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bairns 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bairns, plural;
  1. A child

  1. (bairn) a child: son or daughter
  2. Biologically, a child (plural: children) is generally a human between the stages of birth and puberty. The legal definition of "child" generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority. ...
  3. Falkirk Football Club is a Scottish football club based in Falkirk, playing in the Scottish Football League.
  4. The Bairns was a 2008 album by Rachel Unthank and the Winterset. The album was nominated for the Mercury Music Prize.
  5. ("Bairn") a child. A typically Scottish word adopted by the northern counties.
  6. (Bairn) Home brewed alcoholic beverage as cultivated by the box when they became increasingly skint through seeking God too often. Usually fermented in a Demi John, it became common practise to say “I’m going to see how the bairn is.”
  7. (bairn) 1.(noun. beyrn) See bairden.
  8. (bairn) a child (related to English born). Lerner seems to be treating the singular bairn as a plural. [I, 2]