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bails 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bailed, past tense; bails, 3rd person singular present; bailed, past participle; bailing, present participle;
  1. Scoop water out of (a ship or boat)
    • - the first priority is to bail out the boat with buckets
  2. Scoop (water) out of a ship or boat
    • - I started to use my hands to bail out the water
  3. Abandon a commitment, obligation, or responsibility
    • - after 12 years of this, including Sunday Mass with the family, I bailed
  4. Let (someone) down by failing to fulfill a commitment, obligation, or responsibility
    • - he looks a little like the guy who bailed on me
  1. A bar that holds something in place, in particular

  2. A bar that guides fishing line on a reel

  3. A bar on a typewriter or computer printer that holds the paper steady

  4. A bar on a crampon that fits into a groove in the sole of a boot

  5. A bar separating horses in an open stable

  6. An arched handle, such as on a bucket or a teapot
    • - drawers fitted with brass bail handles
  7. Either of the two crosspieces bridging the stumps, which the bowler and fielders try to dislodge with the ball to get the batsman out

  1. Bails are small components of jewellery of almost any material, but usually precious metal, used to hang cabochons or pendants from chains for necklaces, earrings, bracelets and other items.
  2. Arched hooplike pieces that are attached to glass pieces, allowing you to hang the glass piece on a chain or link it to another object.
  3. The two small pieces of molded timber which sit atop the stumps.
  4. are the two pieces of wood placed on top of the three vertical stumps to form the wicket.
  5. The small pieces of timber which sit on top of the stumps – have to be knocked off or dislodged for a batsman to be given out.