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bailing 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bailed, past tense; bails, 3rd person singular present; bailed, past participle; bailing, present participle;
  1. Scoop water out of (a ship or boat)
    • - the first priority is to bail out the boat with buckets
  2. Scoop (water) out of a ship or boat
    • - I started to use my hands to bail out the water
  3. Abandon a commitment, obligation, or responsibility
    • - after 12 years of this, including Sunday Mass with the family, I bailed
  4. Let (someone) down by failing to fulfill a commitment, obligation, or responsibility
    • - he looks a little like the guy who bailed on me

  1. (Bailed) Rider that purposely ditches the bike, ditches, throws the bike to avoid a hazardous situation.
  2. When water is being dipped or scooped out of the boat it is called "Bailing".