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bailey 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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baileys, plural;
  1. The outer wall of a castle

  2. A court enclosed by this

  1. United States singer (1918-1990)
  2. English lexicographer who was the first to treat etymology consistently; his work was used as a reference by Samuel Johnson (died in 1742)
  3. the outer courtyard of a castle
  4. Bailey is a given name taken from an English surname meaning "bailiff."
  5. Bailey is an occupational surname of English and Scottish origin. Bailey is the 65th-most common surname in the United Kingdom.
  6. Leonard Bailey (1825-05-08 in Hollis, New Hampshire – 1905-02-05 in New York City) was a toolmaker/inventor from Massachusetts, USA, who in the mid-to-late nineteenth century patented several features of woodworking equipment. ...
  7. The Bailey, or The Peninsula, is an historic area in the centre of Durham, England. It is shaped like a peninsula thanks to a sharp meander in the River Wear, formed by isostatic adjustment of the land. ...
  8. An occupational surname for a steward or official; A topographic surname from someone who lived by a bailey (the outer wall of a castle); A male given name derived from the surname; A female given name
  9. (17%) Baileys Irish Cream. Sweet coffee-flavoured cream liqueur. May congeal if mixed with citrus juice, tonic water or ginger ale.
  10. Open area of a fortified castle. Some of the space was used for castle gardens during the middle ages.
  11. A palisaded enclosure, part of early castles, any area surrounded by a walled enclosure designed to provide defense. See also ward.
  12. The ward or courtyard inside the castle walls, includes exercise area, parade ground, emergency corral
  13. the area of an outer defensive enclosure for a fortification; from the protected forecourt of a motte or keep; see OUTWORK, EMPLACEMENT, DEFILADE, REVETMENT. [v: palisade, rampart, parapet] [v: Military Earthworks Terms]
  14. a tool we make to facilitate the installation of Kevwire. The Bailey is the brainchild of Rick Bailey, another volunteer who had a good idea while in Haiti working on one of our homes.
  15. An earthen mound, adjacent to but lower than the motte, enclosed within a circular earthwork or fence. Most of the domestic buildings for the castle would be placed in the bailey. Baileys were either circular, oval or square in shape. ...
  16. Complex American/European cross variety created by T. V. Munson. Noted for disease resistance and good productivity. Can be used to make neutral flavored wine. Recommended by some as suitable for planting in Kansas and other south-central U.S. States. (No other details as yet).
  17. fortified enclosure in a medieval castle
  18. Inner courtyard area of a castle. Often associated with a motte (motte and bailey castle) Also known as a Ward as art of a medieval castle
  19. The courtyard of a castle, the word normally being used in conjunction with a Motte, which was the inner keep of a Norman castle. Larger castles had more than one bailey -- e.g., outer bailey, middle bailey, inner bailey. (Also called a Ward.)
  20. hand plane, commonest type for smoothing with depth adjustor under back of blade
  21. the yard within a castle's walls
  22. Kevin's bratty cousin. He too discovered Krypto's secret and has unsuccessfully tried to reveal it.