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baht 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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baht, plural;
  1. The basic monetary unit of Thailand, equal to 100 satangs

  1. the basic unit of money in Thailand
  2. The baht (บาท, sign: ฿; code: THB) is the currency of Thailand. It is subdivided into 100 satang (สตางค์). The issuance of currency is the responsibility of the Bank of Thailand.
  3. India Language. 'bolo the baht a toro' was used by the army to mean that they speak the language a little.
  4. the Thai basic monetary unit of currency; see LEGAL TENDER.
  5. บาท); Thai currency (Currency; something that is used as a medium of exchange; money.)
  6. Thai currency. At present the rate is approximately 30 baht to the dollar, but things check. Check the Bangkok Post for up to date exchange rates.
  7. A weight measurement for gold (0.47 troy ounces = 14.6 grammes), used in Thailand.
  8. A gold bar destined primarily for Thailand containing 0.47 ounces of 990 fine gold.
  9. a weight unit in Thailand, now equal to exactly 15 grams, or 0.5291 unce. The baht, originally the weight of a silver coin of the same name, is used to measure the weight of precious metals.