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bagging 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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baggings, plural;
  1. Material out of which bags are made

  1. sacking: coarse fabric used for bags or sacks
  2. (bag) a flexible container with a single opening; "he stuffed his laundry into a large bag"
  3. (bag) capture or kill, as in hunting; "bag a few pheasants"
  4. (bag) hang loosely, like an empty bag
  5. (bag) the quantity of game taken in a particular period (usually by one person); "his bag included two deer"
  6. (bag) base: a place that the runner must touch before scoring; "he scrambled to get back to the bag"
  7. (Bag (album)) Bag is the first album by God Street Wine. It was released independently by Ripe & Ready records, containing many of the songs that would become staples of their concerts for years to come.
  8. (Bag (mathematics)) In mathematics, a multiset (or bag) is a generalization of a set. While each member of a set has only one membership, a member of a multiset can have more than one membership (meaning that there may be multiple instances of a member in a multiset, not that a single member ...
  9. (Bag (puzzle)) Bag is a binary-determination logic puzzle published by Nikoli.
  10. (bag) A flexible container made of cloth, paper, plastic, etc; A handbag; A suitcase; A schoolbag, especially a backpack; One’s preference; An ugly woman; The cloth-covered pillow used for first, second, and third base; First, second, or third base; A breathalyzer, so named because it ...
  11. A bag of crystal drops formed by strings hanging from a circular frame and looped back into the center underneath, associated especially with early American crystal and regency style crystal chandeliers.
  12. (Bag) A burlap sack of coffee. In various countries it is a different weight. For example, in Brazil a bag is 132 pounds. In Colombia it is 154 pounds. In Hawaii it is 100 pounds. (132 lb. is the most common.)
  13. (bag) n. <1> Anything which is horrible, i.e. a musical score, a performance, etc. (i.e. That drumline was the bag.) <2> The worst player in a particular section. also tick box, bag of ass
  14. (Bag) An unordered collection of elements that may contain duplicates. (15)
  15. (Bag) Term applied to flexible container made from paper, polyethylene, cellophane, polypropylene or other flexible material. The container is made by forming a tube from the flexible material. ...
  16. (Bag) Flight suit or anti-exposure suit (“Put on a bag”); as a verb to collect or acquire: as in, “bag some traps.”
  17. (BAG) An English casino term for thousand, e.g., 5 bag = 5 thousand.
  18. (Bag) A generic term for the cloth sacks used to transport and store coins. These came into use in the mid-nineteenth century and replaced wooden kegs. Also refers to the quantity of coins of a particular denomination found in a bag (such as 5000 cents or 1000 silver dollars).
  19. The deployment bag in which the canopy is packed.
  20. (Bag) a quantity of Portland cement: 94 pounds
  21. (bag) the heavy cloth bag used by the Mint to ship coins.
  22. (BAG) A base. Early bases were actually canvas bags.
  23. (10 Bag) £10 worth of marijuana.
  24. (BAG) Blue Anti-Glare Louvres
  25. (BAG) Brachial Arteriograms