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bagels, plural;
  1. A dense bread roll in the shape of a ring, made by boiling dough and then baking it

  1. (bagel) (Yiddish) glazed yeast-raised doughnut-shaped roll with hard crust
  2. A bagel is a bread product, traditionally shaped by hand into the form of a ring from yeasted wheat dough, roughly hand-sized, which is first boiled for a short time in water and then baked. The result is a dense, chewy, doughy interior with a browned and sometimes crisp exterior. ...
  3. (Bagel (tennis)) This page is a glossary of tennis terminology.
  4. (bagel) A toroidal bread roll that is boiled before it is baked; A score of 6-0 in a set (after the shape of a bagel, which looks like a zero); An overly materialistic and excessively groomed young man
  5. (Bagel) winning a set 6-0. A double bagel is winning 6-0, 6-0.
  6. (Bagel) A round, chewy yeast roll with a hole in the middle which is cooked first in boiling water then baked. Though the origin is unclear, it's believed the word bagel is derived from the Yiddish word beygl, which is from the German bügel, meaning a round loaf of bread.
  7. (bagel) winning (or losing) a set 6-0 (the shape of the "0" supposedly being reminiscent of the round shape of a bagel). See also breadstick.
  8. (Bagel) a dense, doughnut-shaped Jewish yeast roll; cooked in boiling water, then baked, which gives the rolls a shiny glaze and chewy texture.
  9. (BAGEL) A traditional, doughnut-shaped roll with a characteristic dense texture achieved by a short rise, followed by boiling and then baking the product. ...
  10. (Bagel) A cheap, junky or low value vehicle.
  11. (Bagel) is basically a ring-shaped bread made out of yeasted wheat dough, which offers a chewy ... the history of bagels as food . However, like almost all foods, opinions about the origin of the term “bagel” as well as the food in itself hugely differ. ...
  12. (Bagel) tennis games glossary term for the “O” that represents a bagel in a 6-0 win or a 0-6 loss.
  13. (bagel) (bay-gell) - An overly groomed materialistic young man, and the male version of a kugel.
  14. (bagel) To win a set without losing any games, 6-0
  15. take their name from the Austrian-German word for stirrup - beugel or bugel