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badinage 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Humorous or witty conversation,
  1. Humorous or witty conversation
    • - cultured badinage about art and life

  1. frivolous banter
  2. The badinerie (also spelled 'battinerie'; from French 'jesting') is best known for its designation as the final movement of Johann Sebastian Bach's Orchestral Suite No. 2 in B minor. ...
  3. Playful raillery; banter
  4. [n. or v. bad-n-AZH or BAD-n-ij] Badinage is light, teasing banter. This noun refers to playful remarks or conversations that are not serious. Example: "The badinage between celebrities and late night talk show hosts is one of the main reasons viewers tune in. ...
  5. Light, trifling talk, banter.
  6. playful, teasing talk