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backyards 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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backyards, plural;
  1. A yard behind a house or other building, typically surrounded by a fence
    • - a tree-shaded succession of backyards
    • - a casual backyard party
  2. The area close to where one lives, or the territory close to a particular country, regarded with proprietorial concern
    • - anything was preferable to a nuclear dump in their own backyard

  1. (backyard) the grounds in back of a house
  2. (Backyard) A back garden is a residential garden located at the rear of a property, on the other side of the house from the public street-side entrance and front garden.
  3. (The Backyard) The Backyard is a 1920 silent comedy film featuring Oliver Hardy.
  4. (backyard) A yard to the rear of a house or similar residence; A person's neighborhood, or an area nearby to a person's usual residence or place of work and where the person is likely to go; An area nearby to a country or other jurisidiction's legal boundaries, particularly an area in which ...
  5. (Backyard) The area behind the big top where props, animals, and performers are readied for the performance.
  6. (Backyard) area that you ride frequently.