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backwaters, plural;
  1. A part of a river not reached by the current, where the water is stagnant
    • - the eels inhabit backwaters
  2. An isolated or peaceful place
    • - a sleepy Midwest backwater
  3. A place or condition in which no development or progress is taking place
    • - the country remained an economic backwater

  1. (backwater) a body of water that was created by a flood or tide or by being held or forced back by a dam; "the bayous and backwaters are breeding grounds for mosquitos"
  2. (backwater) a place or condition in which no development or progress is occurring; "the country is an economic backwater"
  3. Backwaters is an album by American guitarist Tony Rice, released in 1982. It is credited to The Tony Rice Unit.
  4. (Backwater (Brian Eno)) Before and After Science is the fifth studio album by British musician Brian Eno. Produced by Eno and Rhett Davies, it was originally released by Polydor Records in December 1977. ...
  5. (Backwater (novel)) Joan Bauer, born July 12, 1951 in River Forest, Illinois, is an award-winning author of young adult literature currently living in Brooklyn. ...
  6. (Backwater (river)) A backwater is a part of a river in which there is little or no current. It refers either to a branch of a main river which lies alongside it and then rejoins it or to a body of water in a main river which is backed up by an obstruction such as the tide or a dam.
  7. (Backwater (song)) "Backwater" is a song recorded by the Meat Puppets. It was released as the first single from the group's album Too High to Die. The single was released in three versions: one promo CDS and two singles. It is the Meat Puppets most successful single. ...
  8. (backwater) The water held back by a dam or other obstruction; A remote place; somewhere that remains unaffected by new events, progresses, ideas, etc; A rowing stroke in which the oar is pushed forward to stop the boat; see back water; To row or paddle a backwater stroke; To vacillate on a ...
  9. (Backwater) A still body of water or a still portion of a larger body of water, unaffected by the flow of the larger body of water. An example would be a small stagnant branch of a river.
  10. (backwater) Shallow area of a river that is sometimes isolated, often being located behind a sand bar or other obstruction in the river. Large backwaters tat are isolated may be referred to as oxbows.
  11. (Backwater) (1) A small, generally shallow body of water attached to the main channel, with little or no current of its own.
  12. (Backwater) To row or move the oars backwards so that the boat moves stern-first.
  13. (backwater) a section of water with an elevation that is increased above normal because of a condition downstream (such as a flood or an ice jam) or because of stream-width contraction beneath a bridge)
  14. (Backwater) This is the term used to describe water that is backed up or retarded in its course as compared with its normal or natural condition of flow.
  15. (BACKWATER) in stream gaging, a rise in stage produced by a temporary obstruction or by the flooding of the stream below.
  16. (Backwater) 1. A pool surface created in an upstream direction that results from damming a vertical or horizontal channel that impedes the free flow of water. 2. ...
  17. (Backwater) The rise in water surface elevation caused by some obstruction such as a narrow bridge opening, buildings or fill material that limits the area through which the water shall flow.
  18. (Backwater) Water, containing fine fibers, loading and other additives, removed in the forming section of a paper or board-making machine. It is generally re-used within the system or clarified in a saveall to recover suspended matter.
  19. (Backwater) area of still water created by an impediment to drainage e.g. a sediment bar across an ox-bow lake.
  20. (Backwater) slow or stagnant water of the river held back by a rock or the force of the mainstream current along the edges.
  21. (backwater) water held or forced back, as by a dam, flood, or tide. Also, to halt or reverse the forward movement of a vessel by applying opposite propulsion; backwash. Also, to literally back up, as to retreat, or to figuratively back down, as to back-pedal. ...
  22. (backwater. (1)) The increased depth of water upstream from a dam or obstruction in a stream channel due to the existence of such obstruction, and the raising by it of the water level a considerable distance upstream. ...
  23. are the accumulation of Sea Water at the sea beach during the to-fro motion of sea-waves in the form of lagoons, esturies etc. Today, Kerala Backwaters has become the most exciting tourist spot in India.