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backspace 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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backspaces, plural;
  1. Move a typewriter carriage or computer cursor back one or more spaces

  1. A key on a typewriter or computer keyboard that causes the carriage or cursor to move backward

  2. A device on a video recorder or camcorder that produces a slight backward run between shots to eliminate disturbance caused by the interruption of the scanning process

  1. hit the backspace key on a computer or typewriter keyboard; "To erase, you must backspace"
  2. Backspace is the keyboard key that originally pushed the typewriter carriage one position backwards, and in modern computer displays moves the cursor one position backwards, deletes the preceding character, and shifts back the text after it by one position.
  3. a key that deletes all selected text, if any, or the text character to the left of the cursor.
  4. In the active Line tool, removes the last sketched segment.
  5. Using the BACKSPACE key on the keyboard erases the character to the left of the cursor.
  6. Retreat; back up. RB: 1