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backpacks 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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backpacks, plural;
  1. Travel or hike carrying one's belongings in a backpack
    • - a week's backpacking in the Pyrenees
    • - he has backpacked around the world
  1. A bag with shoulder straps that allow it to be carried on one's back

  2. A load or piece of equipment carried on a person's back
    • - a two-tank scuba backpack

  1. (backpack) hike with a backpack; "Every summer they are backpacking in the Rockies"
  2. (backpack) a bag carried by a strap on your back or shoulder
  3. A backpack (also called rucksack, knapsack, packsack, pack, or Bergen) is, in its simplest form, a cloth sack carried on one's back and secured with two straps that go over the shoulders, but there can be exceptions. Light weight types of backpacks are sometimes worn on only one shoulder strap.
  4. (Backpack (software)) 37signals is a privately held web application company based in Chicago, Illinois, United States. The firm was co-founded in 1999 by Jason Fried, Carlos Segura, and Ernest Kim as a web design company. 37signals also produces a blog, . ...
  5. (backpack) A knapsack, sometimes mounted on a light frame, but always supported by straps, worn on a person’s back for the purpose of carrying things, especially when hiking, or on a student's back when carrying books; A similarly placed item containing a parachute or other life-support ...
  6. (Backpack) a bag that is supported by the shoulders with double handles and lies across the back. Backpacks are supported on either one or both shoulders.
  7. (BACKPACK) informal usage for anything that's "man-portable" or relatively "pocket" sized, from communications and surveillance equipment to materiel and weapons, especially tactical NUKEs; also called "suitcase". See RUCKSACK, BUG-OUT KIT, DUNNAGE, BUSTLE, GRUNT, WEB GEAR, RADIO, DUMMY STICK. ...
  8. (BACKPACK) Don’t carry money in pack - use fanny pack or money belt (back pack is too easily picked). On busses or trains, watch out for thieves who help you put your backpack onto the rack directly over your head, only to loot it while you are riding. ...
  9. (Backpack) Holds a tank securely on a diver's back
  10. (Backpack) Your character's inventory.
  11. (Backpack) carrying case to be worn on the back using shoulder straps specifically designed to handle soccer gear, including a mesh attachment to carry a soccer ball.
  12. (Backpack) vacuum cleaners are commonly used for commercial cleaning: they allow the user to move rapidly about a large area. They are essentially cylinder vacuum cleaners strapped on the user's back.
  13. (backpack) Satchel carried on back
  14. are carried across the back. 2 straps are used to loop over the arms, and some have a strap that ties around the waste. These bags have many uses. They can serve as school bags, travel luggage, equipment carriers for electronics, hiking, or sports. ...