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backpackers 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (backpacker) a hiker who wears a backpack
  2. (backpacking) packing: carrying something in a pack on the back; "the backpacking of oxygen is essential for astronauts"
  3. Backpackers is a board game developed and produced by Homegrown Games Ltd, a Canadian company. Backpackers is a traditional style board game with some twists. Players travel around the world finding their way to different capital cities. There are 21 of these “flag cities”. ...
  4. Backpackers is a mixed genre travel/reality television program created by and starring buddies Mick Middleton, James Grech (JAG) and Lee Mahoney from Colac.
  5. (Backpacker (magazine)) Backpacker Magazine is an American publication that features information on wilderness hiking and adventure. It has been published since 1973. Backpacker magazine is currently published by Active Interest Media and is based in Boulder, Colorado. ...
  6. Backpacking (in US; tramping, trekking, or bushwalking in other countries) combines hiking and camping in a single trip. A backpacker hikes into the backcountry to spend one or more nights there, and carries supplies and equipment to satisfy sleeping and eating needs.
  7. (Backpacking (urban)) Backpacking is a term that has historically been used to denote a form of low-cost, independent international travel. Terms such as independent travel and/or budget travel are often used interchangeably with backpacking. ...
  8. A hostel catering to backpackers
  9. (backpacker) A traveler whose luggage consists of a backpack; especially, such a traveler who uses hostels, public transport, and other inexpensive services; An inexpensive place to stay, often with small dorm rooms of 4-8 beds shared by unrelated parties; hostel
  10. (Backpacker) Slang, n. (1)to have sex with. Standard, n. (1)initially meant to describe rebellious adolescents, usually white, who flock to hip hop’s most underground, socially relevant, and/or politically conscious music. (2)hip hop fans who only like underexposed non-commercial artist.
  11. (Backpacking) A hike which extends to at least one overnight stay where the essentials (food, shelter, clothing, etc.) for that stay are packed.
  12. (Backpacking) A term with a loose definition, not everyone agreed with my definition of what is backpacking.
  13. (Backpacking) Carrying a sleeping bag, food, and other gear into the wilderness with the intention of staying out at least one night. Gear typically is carried in a backpack.
  14. (Backpacking) It is not only possible, but likely that a backpacker can travel for days without seeing another human. Permits are required for all overnight stays and can be acquired at the Backcountry Information Center, adjacent to the Wilderness Access Center (mile 0.6). ...