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backlist 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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backlists, plural;
  1. A publisher's list of older books still in print

  1. A backlist is a list of older books available from a publisher, as opposed to titles newly published (sometimes called the frontlist).
  2. Books from previous seasons that are still in print. A publisher's backlist provides a significant source of revenue, as sales of backlist titles often prove to be more stable than frontlist sales.
  3. List of books published before the current publishing year, but still in print.
  4. Older publications still available for purchase from publishers.
  5. A publisher's available titles that were printed and released prior to the current season. Some publishers include the prior list in their definition of frontlist.
  6. titles that are being published for the second time or more.
  7. previously released books. Backlist books are the proven favorites and strong sellers in the publisher’s list (or range)
  8. the titles written by an author which are not his/her most recent release– whether they are the previous books in a series or stand alone titles. Having a “strong backlist” means your previous books are still available and selling well.
  9. Books that have been in print for a year or more and are still available from the publisher.
  10. an author's previously published titles, as opposed to their most recent work.
  11. books in print that have not been recently published.