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backhanded 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Made with the back of the hand facing in the direction of movement,
  1. Made with the back of the hand facing in the direction of movement
    • - a backhanded pass
  2. Indirect; ambiguous or insincere
    • - coming from me, teasing is a backhanded compliment
  1. With the back of the hand or with the hand turned backward
    • - Frank hit him backhanded

  1. backhand(a): (of racket strokes) made across the body with back of hand facing direction of stroke
  2. roundabout or ambiguous; "attacks from that source amounted to a backhanded compliment to his integrity"; "a backhanded and dishonest way of reaching his goal"
  3. With the hand turned backward; Indirect; awkward; insincere; sarcastic; Turned back; inclining to the left