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backers 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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backers, plural;
  1. A person, institution, or country that supports something, esp. financially
    • - $3.3 million was provided by the project's backers
  2. A person who bets on a horse

  1. (backer) angel: invests in a theatrical production
  2. Backer as a Norwegian surname can refer to: * Agathe Backer-Grøndahl (1847-1907), Norwegian pianist and composer * Augustin de Backer (1809–1873), Roman Catholic bibliographer * Brian Backer (born 1956), American actor * Harriet Backer (1845-1932), Norwegian painter * Jacob de Backer (c. ...
  3. (Backer) A player that stays back to provide cover fire while other players move forward.
  4. (Backer) A person who finances a player (buys them into tournaments, gives them cash to play in cash games etc) for a split of the winnings.
  5. (Backer) A spade card other than the Queen of spades (more commonly, a spade card that is lower than the Queen of spades).
  6. (Backer) Promotor de un negocio (m)
  7. (Backer) Someone behind the scenes who supplies a Poker player with his bankroll.
  8. (Backer) Someone that is paying the way of another player to play poker either in a ring game or a tournament. If you have someone back you, they are staking or providing you with your buy in, usually in return for a percentage of the winnings.
  9. (Backer) Someone that puts up the money (or a portion of the money) for one of the players in a gambling match-up. Typically, backers cover all of the losses, and split the winnings with the player they are backing.
  10. (Backer) non player who financed a active player.
  11. (Backer) someone who provides a player with cash to play with in exchange for a share of the prize money.
  12. (backer) a punter; someone who who bets at the races.
  13. A backer is a person who sponsors a player to enter into a poker tournament with a view to take a share of the players winnings should they place in the paying final positions.
  14. These are plain white cards that are put a certain distance behind each target and they assist in determining the origin of a shot, also if two bullets went through the same hole and they also help the shooter see where their shots landed. ...