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backer 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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backers, plural;
  1. A person, institution, or country that supports something, esp. financially
    • - $3.3 million was provided by the project's backers
  2. A person who bets on a horse

  1. angel: invests in a theatrical production
  2. Backer as a Norwegian surname can refer to: * Agathe Backer-Grøndahl (1847-1907), Norwegian pianist and composer * Augustin de Backer (1809–1873), Roman Catholic bibliographer * Brian Backer (born 1956), American actor * Harriet Backer (1845-1932), Norwegian painter * Jacob de Backer (c. ...
  3. (backest) Superlative form of back: most back
  4. (Backering) A horse towing a boat without anyone on the towpath to drive it.
  5. (Backers) These are plain white cards that are put a certain distance behind each target and they assist in determining the origin of a shot, also if two bullets went through the same hole and they also help the shooter see where their shots landed. ...
  6. Someone that is paying the way of another player to play poker either in a ring game or a tournament. If you have someone back you, they are staking or providing you with your buy in, usually in return for a percentage of the winnings.
  7. someone who provides a player with cash to play with in exchange for a share of the prize money.
  8. a punter; someone who who bets at the races.
  9. Someone behind the scenes who supplies a Poker player with his bankroll.
  10. A backer is a person who sponsors a player to enter into a poker tournament with a view to take a share of the players winnings should they place in the paying final positions.
  11. A person who finances a player (buys them into tournaments, gives them cash to play in cash games etc) for a split of the winnings.
  12. A player that stays back to provide cover fire while other players move forward.
  13. Someone that puts up the money (or a portion of the money) for one of the players in a gambling match-up. Typically, backers cover all of the losses, and split the winnings with the player they are backing.
  14. non player who financed a active player.
  15. Promotor de un negocio (m)
  16. A spade card other than the Queen of spades (more commonly, a spade card that is lower than the Queen of spades).