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backboard 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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backboards, plural;
  1. A board placed at or forming the back of something, such as a collage or piece of electronic equipment

  2. An upright board behind the basket, off which the ball may rebound

  3. A board used to support or straighten a person's back, esp. after an accident

  1. a raised vertical board with basket attached; used to play basketball; "he banked the shot off the backboard"
  2. a board used to support the back of someone or something
  3. A tennis backboard is a simple wall usually made from some kind of fiber-board and located at a tennis court attached to a fence. It should have a tennis net either drawn or painted at the proper height. ...
  4. The flat vertical surface to which the basket is attached; A flat vertical wall with the image of a tennis net drawn or painted on it. Designed to practice hitting against such that the ball bounces back
  5. (Backboards) Panels used to divide two sides of a Gondola
  6. In CRAPS, the side of the table farthest away from the shooter, where dice are thrown.
  7. The flat surface directly behind the basket. The basket is connected to the backboard.
  8. Refers to a plywood panel mounted on the wall of a telecom closet.Used to mount the cross connect.
  9. The board across the stern of an open boat separating the small stowage area (between it and the transom) from the seating area or Sternsheets.
  10. Predrilled wood, metal, fiberglass mounting template used for rapid installs of payphones in most environment.
  11. The unpolished back of furniture meant to stand against a wall.
  12. term for area, approx. 6 X 4 ft that secures the basket.
  13. the surface on which a service panel or subpanel
  14. The rectangular piece of wood or fiberglass that the rim attaches to.
  15. The backboard is the "board" (which is made of a clear plastic) that is what the basketball rim is attached to. The board is 6 feet wide and 3 and 1/2 feet tall. It must be clear and flat. ...
  16. wall used for practice.  The wall is marked with a line to represent the net.
  17. On a pole-mounted electrical service, such as those for a mobile home or travel trailer, the backboard is attached to the service pole and provides a surface for the meter enclosure to be secured. Backboards must be treated, painted or pressure treated.