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A gambling card game in which players hold two- or three-card hands, the winning hand being that giving the highest remainder when its face value is divided by ten,
  1. A gambling card game in which players hold two- or three-card hands, the winning hand being that giving the highest remainder when its face value is divided by ten

  1. a card game played in casinos in which two or more punters gamble against the banker; the player wins who holds 2 or 3 cards that total closest to nine
  2. Baccarat Crystal is a manufacturer of fine crystal glassware located in Baccarat, France. The company owns two museums: the Musée Baccarat in Baccarat, Meurthe-et-Moselle and the Galerie-Musée Baccarat, on the Place des États-Unis in Paris. ...
  3. Baccarat (Burgambach) is a commune in the Meurthe-et-Moselle department in north-eastern France.
  4. A card game with some similarities to blackjack
  5. a card game where the winning hand totals closest to 9 discounting all units of 10.
  6. a table card game which involves six or eight decks. Can also be referred to as Punto Banco
  7. Literally translated into English this mean "zero", it is also the worst hand that the Player or Banker can hold in the game.
  8. The Baccarat crystal company, known for it’s high quality and design, was started in 1764. The great French crystal factories of Baccarat (1764) and Saint Louis (1586) were both placed under the protection of his patron saint by Louis XV in the 1760's. ...
  9. Founded in 1764, a leading French glassworks. The first products were soda glass tableware and window glass. High quality lead crystal and decorative glassware started to be produced from 1816. ...
  10. A card game with some of the highest bets in the casino. The game is to beat the bank, which is represented by the casino. Is played by James Bond in the movie “Casino royal”.
  11. Italian (or French) for "zero" but more applicably, a card game where "9" is the magic number (not "0"!).
  12. Also called Punto Banco and Chemin De Fer (similar to Baccarat but requires skill). A table game using 6 or 8 decks of cards which does not require skill. See Baccarat on this site.
  13. Baccarat is the name of the game Baccarat. Baccarat is a Italian word and it means Zero - zero is the worst hand you can get in baccarat.
  14. It’s the game you’re playing, where two hands face off against each other and the hand closest to 9 wins. However, it is also used to refer to a hand that is worth a total of 0.
  15. This is a common casino game that comes in 3 primary versions: Punto Banco, Baccarat Banque & Chermin de Fer, with the first being the most popular at a global level. Relies on either eight or six decks of cards. ...
  16. Italian: zero. A casino game of chance requiring little knowledge or skill where all face cards and tens have a value of zero.
  17. High stakes game played in separate room at casino using six to eight decks of cards. Punto Banco version is total game of chance, but Chemin De Fer requires some level of skill.
  18. Of all the games in any given casino, Baccarat is perhaps the most famous for being a game of very high stakes. It is simple and played with six to eight decks of cards, but the wagers are notoriously high. The one game which can seriously affect a casino’s profits.
  19. In casino houses, this game is sometimes also called Punto Banco by. Baccarat is a card game in which players bet on another player, the banker or a tie hand.
  20. The name of a popular gambling game. A Baccarat is also the worst hand you could possibly get in this game.
  21. The worst hand one can have in Baccarat, a total of zero.