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azurite 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A blue mineral consisting of copper hydroxyl carbonate. It occurs as blue prisms or crystal masses, often with malachite,
  1. A blue mineral consisting of copper hydroxyl carbonate. It occurs as blue prisms or crystal masses, often with malachite

  1. blue carbonate of copper; blue malachite
  2. Azurite is a soft, deep blue copper mineral produced by weathering of copper ore deposits. It is also known as Chessylite after the type locality at Chessy-les-Mines near Lyon, France. ...
  3. An azure blue vitreous mineral of basic copper carbonate {Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2} used as a source of blue dye.
  4. Azurite is a beautiful dark blue colored mineral found all over the world. It was traditionally used as a pigment or dye as well as in jewelry. Azurite is believed to help develop a persons psychic abilities and intuition. ...
  5. Optimara super miniature variety. See Little Azurite.
  6. A dark blue, metallic mineral. Augments clear understanding, cleansing, healing, transformation, perspective, purification, patience, kindness, intuition, prophecy and truth. ...
  7. A blue mineral derivative of copper often substituted for the very expensive ultra­marine.
  8. Malachite is a compelling marriage of two vibrant gemstones - the electric blue of azurite, with malachite’s rich green shades. The combined impact is that the gemstone should provide the ancient wisdom that allows us to listen to ourselves and the ability to discover our own special talents. ...
  9. is a carbonate mineral formed in the oxidized portions of copper deposits.  Its crystals can take over 145 different forms and its color varies from a beautiful azure blue to a much darker blue-black.  Azurite and malachite often occur in the same formations.
  10. A magickal stone whose qualities are that of healing and clarity.
  11. It occurs similar to malachite, massive and in seams, associated with chalcopyrite. The Mineral Point mines afford very beautiful specimens of small rhombohedral crystals of dark-blue color.
  12. Azurite is a very popular mineral because of its unparalleled color, a deep blue called "azure", hence its name. Azure is derived from the arabic word for blue. Azurite has been used as a dye for paints and fabrics since ancient times. ...
  13. A blue mineral containing copper. It is composed of copper carbonate - chemical formula Cu3(CO3)3. It has a hardness of 3.5-4 and produces a blue streak when scratched on a white tile.
  14. A copper-based mineral that is often used in jewelry ranging from very deep blue to pale blue. Azurite is also used as a dye for paints and luxury fabrics.
  15. Blends the flow between the heart and third eye; opens the heart to higher rays and stabilizes the increased electrical fow associated with that; raises consciousness; clears and stimulates the mind, stimulates clairvoyance; urges the soul to enlightenment. ...
  16. Known as the Decision Maker, it provides a protective shield against negative energy.
  17. (in  azurite (mineral))
  18. Azurite is a beautiful deep blue stone tending toward "azure" blue in color. The stone isn't very hard and is often coated with wax to give it a sheen. It is very often found with malachite, a green stone.