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axiom 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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axioms, plural;
  1. A statement or proposition that is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true
    • - the axiom that supply equals demand
  2. A statement or proposition on which an abstractly defined structure is based

  1. maxim: a saying that is widely accepted on its own merits
  2. (logic) a proposition that is not susceptible of proof or disproof; its truth is assumed to be self-evident
  3. Axiom is the debut album by Ansur.
  4. Axiom was a rock band formed in Melbourne, Australia in 1969 and included musicians Glenn Shorrock and Brian Cadd.
  5. Axiom is a free general purpose computer algebra system. It consists of an interpreter environment, a compiler and a library, which defines a strongly typed, mathematically (mostly) correct type hierarchy.
  6. Axiom is a “new model firm" with 200 attorneys in offices in New York, San Francisco and London according to the company’s website.
  7. Axiom was a record label founded by musician Bill Laswell in 1989, with the support of Chris Blackwell, founder of Island Records. ...
  8. WALL-E, promoted with an interpunct as WALL·E, is a 2008 computer-animated science fiction film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Andrew Stanton. The story follows a robot named WALL-E, who is designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth far in the future. ...
  9. A seemingly self-evident or necessary truth which is based on assumption; a principle or proposition which cannot actually be proven or dis‐proven; A fundamental theorem that serves as a basis for deduction of other theorems. Example: "A point has no mass; a line has no width. ...
  10. (Axioms) An assumption or statement that is assumed to be true, and is accepted without proof.
  11. (Axioms) self-evident truth; a universally accepted principle or rule. In logic and mathematics an axiom is a proposition that is assumed without proof for the sake of studying the consequences that follow from it.
  12. (Axioms) These describe the basic properties of the system;
  13. (7 Axioms) 1. Continuous, efficient discharge of government is necessary to a great society
  14. (Axioms) The point where scientific reasoning starts. Principles that are not questioned.
  15. (Axioms) Wffs that are stipulated as unproved premises for the proof of other wffs inside a formal system.
  16. (axioms) statements of natural laws on the order of those of the physical sciences.
  17. Differentia: An irreducible primary that is logically undeniable
  18. A statement that is assumed to be true and can later be used along with theorems to prove other theorems. Also, the starting configuration of an L-System.
  19. Strictly speaking, an axiom is one of a set of fundamental formulas that one starts with to prove theorems by deduction. In CYC®, the axioms are those formulas that have been locally asserted into the CYC® KB. ...
  20. in theorem proving, an initially given fact, rule, or theorem.
  21. a statement accepted as true without proof
  22. An assumption or statement assumed true for the purposes of further analysis or deduction. (See ASSUMPTION) (MP)
  23. A statement that is so obvious that it's a starting point for any research. For example, the laws of arithmetic are axioms. To say that something is axiomatic is to imply that it must be true. But beware! Sometimes axioms are revealed to be assumptions that are not always true.
  24. A basic principle that cannot be deduced from other principles but is the starting point from which other statements are derived or deduced.
  25. An axiom is a proposition regarded as self-evidently true without proof. The word "axiom" is a slightly archaic synonym for postulate. Compare conjecture or hypothesis, both of which connote apparently true but not self-evident statements.