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axels 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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axels, plural;
  1. A jump with a forward takeoff from the forward outside edge of one skate to the backward outside edge of the other, with one and a half turns in the air

  1. (Axël (drama)) Axël is a drama by Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam published in 1890. It was influenced by his participation in the Paris Commune, as well as the works of Goethe and Victor Hugo. It begins in an occult castle. The Byronic hero Axël meets a Germanic princess. ...
  2. (Axel (figure skating)) The Axel is a figure skating jump with a forward take-off. It is named after the Norwegian skater Axel Paulsen, who first performed the jump in 1882. An Axel jump has an extra ½ rotation in the air due to its forward take-off. ...
  3. (Axel (Netherlands)) Axel is a town in the Dutch province of Zeeland. It is a part of the municipality of Terneuzen, and lies about 31 km southeast of Vlissingen. It received city rights in 1213.
  4. (Axel (singer)) Axel Patricio Fernando Witteveen Pardo (1 January 1977) is an Argentine singer and song-writer.
  5. (Axel (Suikoden)) This is a list of characters in the game Suikoden IV. Many of these characters also appear in its successor, Suikoden Tactics.
  6. (Axel(Twisted Metal)) Twisted Metal is a series of vehicular combat video games published by Sony Computer Entertainment, and developed by various companies during its tenure. ...
  7. (Axel) A male given name in quiet use since the 19th century
  8. (axel) A jump with one (or more) and a half turns in the air
  9. Named for Axel Paulson, the 1908 Gold Medalist who invented it, this is a jump on which the skater takes off from the forward inside edge and lands on the back outside edge of the opposite foot. There are single, double, and triple versions.
  10. (Axel) (Lucas Velasquez) - Supporting Character, brother of Iker, guitarist of los Basikos, ex-boyfriend of Luci and Catalina, in love with Kimberly.
  11. (Axel) The only Organization member not killed by anyone. He was eliminated in a sacrificial attack to save Sora from an army of Dusks. Similar to a fire, he seemed to "burn out" into Darkness, resembling ashes. Axel was the eighth member to fall.
  12. (axel) eponym: figure-skating jump; contrast, lutz, salchow.) skate forward on left foot on outside edge (thus curving left, into the spin); jump and spin. Do however many spins plus a half-spin, so that when you land you are going backward
  13. (axel) exel (otombêl u s,itîwa)
  14. Captain Axel is Captain of the ship, Witness and works with Turbine and Turbine alone.