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axed 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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axed, past tense; axed, past participle; axes, 3rd person singular present; axing, present participle;
  1. End, cancel, or dismiss suddenly and ruthlessly
    • - the company is axing 125 jobs
    • - 2,500 staff were axed as part of the realignment
  2. Reduce (costs or services) drastically
    • - the candidates all promised to ax government spending
  3. Cut or strike with an ax, esp. violently or destructively
    • - the door had been axed by the firefighters

  1. In television, cancellation (also known colloquially as axing) refers to the termination of a program by the network, typically (but not always) because of low viewership and/or bad, critical reviews. ...
  2. The surface finish produced by means of masonry axe tool.
  3. the past tense version of Axe (see above)
  4. A form of stone dressing. See "Axed Dressing."
  5. This term refers to a surfer when hit by the lip of the wave which leads to a wipeout.
  6. A surface dressed with a bush hammer