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ax 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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axes, plural;
  1. End, cancel, or dismiss suddenly and ruthlessly
    • - the company is axing 125 jobs
    • - 2,500 staff were axed as part of the realignment
  2. Reduce (costs or services) drastically
    • - the candidates all promised to ax government spending
  3. Cut or strike with an ax, esp. violently or destructively
    • - the door had been axed by the firefighters
  1. A tool typically used for chopping wood, usually a steel blade attached at a right angle to a wooden handle

  2. A measure intended to reduce costs drastically, esp. one that involves elimination of staff
    • - thirty workers are facing the ax in the assembly department
  3. A musical instrument, esp. a jazz musician's saxophone or a bass guitar

  1. an edge tool with a heavy bladed head mounted across a handle
  2. axe: chop or split with an ax; "axe wood"
  3. terminate; "The NSF axed the research program and stopped funding it"
  4. .ax is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of the Åland Islands, introduced in 2006. Previously, most Åland websites were under the subdomain.
  5. Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill is a fictional character from the sci-fi book series Animorphs.
  6. (AXS) Access (earlier known as AXS) is a popular Japanese music group. Its members are Daisuke Asakura and Hiroyuki Takami; it is a part of Sony Music Japan.
  7. Alternative spelling of axe; Alternative spelling of axe
  8. Ask, as in to ax ah question. Same word and meaning but different pronunciation.
  9. FAI designation for "free balloons which obtain their buoyancy solely as a result of heating air."  Fifteen size categories are used, ranging from AX-1 (250 m^3 or less) through AX-15 (over 22,000 m^3).
  10. Logging and turpentine hand tool.  Were used to either fell longleaf trees or to cut off limbs once the tree was on the ground.  Could be either single bit (one blade) or double bit (blades on two sides). ...
  11. The key market maker in a stock, sometimes known as the hammer in a stock.
  12. The percentage of the pot kept by management to pay expenses; commonly referred to as drop.
  13. A musical instrument or any tool that makes music or money typically chosen and mastered by a 7.
  14. To ask or inquire, to publish the banns of marriage. “He axed me to litter-up vor’n.” He asked me to put the straw bedding in the lorry park shelter. “I zay you; Nicolas Sarkozi and Carla Bruni was axed in Church last year.”
  15. Mix across symbol; Cross cut mark.
  16. Ask (Let me ax you sometin.)
  17. An Ace and any other card.
  18. abbreviation of 'axiom'
  19. "He blows a bad ax."
  20. CRS. American Express.
  21. auxillary (underarm)