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awry 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Away from the appropriate, planned, or expected course; amiss,
  1. Away from the appropriate, planned, or expected course; amiss
    • - many youthful romances go awry
    • - I got the impression that something was awry
  2. Out of the normal or correct position; askew
    • - he was hatless, his silver hair awry

  1. askew: turned or twisted toward one side; "a...youth with a gorgeous red necktie all awry"- G.K.Chesterton; "his wig was, as the British say, skew-whiff"
  2. away from the correct or expected course; "something has gone awry in our plans"; "something went badly amiss in the preparations"
  3. amiss(p): not functioning properly; "something is amiss"; "has gone completely haywire"; "something is wrong with the engine"
  4. Turned or twisted toward one side; crooked, distorted, out of place; Wrong or distorted; perverse, amiss; Obliquely, crookedly; askew; Perversely, improperly
  5. in a turned or twisted position or direction; off the correct or expected course.