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Absent from one's post but without intent to desert,
  1. Absent from one's post but without intent to desert
    • - the men have gone AWOL
    • - now the parrot has gone AWOL

  1. one who is away or absent without leave
  2. truant: absent without permission; "truant schoolboys"; "the soldier was AWOL for almost a week"
  3. In military terminology, desertion is the abandonment of a "duty" or post without permission and is done with the intention of not returning. The term AWOL is an acronym for "Absence Without Official Leave" and can refer to either desertion or a temporary absence.
  4. A.W.O.L. is a 2006 short film starring David Morse, John C. McGinley, and Caroline Kristiahn.
  5. A.W.O.L. is the fifth album by rapper AZ. It was recorded after Final Call, which AZ declined to release because his label had pushed its release back two months—according to him, they were also the source of its early leak to press and the internet. ...
  6. Lionheart (also known as Wrong Bet, A.W.O.L.: Absent Without Leave) is a 1990 film starring Jean-Claude Van Damme and co-starring Brian Thompson.
  7. A.W.O.L. is section nine of the 15th track on the album Paul's Boutique by American hip hop group the Beastie Boys, released on July 25, 1989.
  8. Absence without proper authority from the properly appointed place of duty, or from unit, organization, or other place of duty at which one is required to be at the time prescribed; A person who holds AWOL status; Somebody who is absent without permission; Someone or something missing; ...
  9. "absent without official leave"; unauthorized departure from or abandonment of a military duty station.
  10. Absent With Out Leave. i.e., bunked off. This will get you in plenty of trouble.
  11. Unauthorized absence and/or leave from class, school, activity, or event.
  12. A soyale where the toe of the boot, and not the whole skate is on the bar.
  13. Pronounced 'A-wall'. Absent Without Leave. The state of not being where one is supposed to be or ordered to be without permission, such as approved leave or a pass. One who is AWOL for more than 30 days is considered to have committed desertion, which is a much more serious matter.
  14. Abr. Absent without leave. Pronounced both as individual letters and as an acronym. Term used to indicate the unauthorized absence of a crew member, as on a cruise ship.
  15. Person that skips town on their book without paying