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awl 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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awls, plural;
  1. A small pointed tool used for piercing holes, esp. in leather

  1. a pointed tool for marking surfaces or for punching small holes
  2. A pointed instrument for piercing small holes, as in leather or wood; used by shoemakers, saddlers, cabinetmakers, etc. The blade is differently shaped and pointed for different uses, as in the brad awl, saddler's awl, shoemaker's awl, etc
  3. Tool with pointed tip used to push out corners when fabric is turned.
  4. (5) -- pointed tool of bone, or of bronze or stone set in a handle, used for boring small holes in hides, wood and other materials (Warren, 140)
  5. Ambrose, Alice, (ed.), 1979, Wittgenstein's Lectures, Cambridge 1932–35: From the Notes of Alice Ambrose and Margaret Macdonald, Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
  6. A small hand tool used for making holes in leather. In botanical terminology it is used to describe three dimensional structures which are narrow and taper to a point like the head of an awl.
  7. a bone or stone tool tapered to a point and used to pierce holes, make incisions, or in basket weaving.
  8. a small pointed hand tool used for piercing holes in leather, wood and other materials.
  9. A tool with a handle and a sharp point  for making holes in leather.
  10. a family of tools used to pierce holes in leather or fabric.
  11. Absent Without Leave, unauthorised absence from duty or place of assignment; see walkabout, going bush, gone troppo
  12. a tool made of iron that was used to pierce leather and was used by shoemakers and saddle makers, e.g., "an aule and several lengths of leather string, were listed in William the shoemaker's inventory."
  13. A small tool with a plain pointed steel shaft and a straight handle, mainly used as a scriber for marking hard surfaces
  14. a sharp pointed small tool used mainly for making small pilot holes in timber.
  15. An indispensable tool for punching holes in book board, signatures, paper, etc.
  16. A hand tool for piercing small holes, normally as a starter hole for screws or nails. Also known as a Bradawl or Sprig Bit
  17. A sharp-pointed tool with a small round handle, used by the upper leather clickers to make the prick holes for the convenience of the upper closer.
  18. A sharply pointed implement designed essentially for drilling holes in the material being worked.
  19. Hole making tool, to pierce the skin prior to sewing
  20. abbreviation of 'absent without leave'
  21. A long pointed spike used to punch holes that are used in the knife industry.
  22. Pointed object used to pinpoint screw or boring positions. Looks like an icepick.
  23. A dwarf and brother of Sindri and Brokkr. See also "Brokkr".
  24. looks like an ice pick, used to open spaces and make holes in weaving materials used in basket making. Awls are shorter and not as sharp as ice picks.
  25. A wood-handled tool that makes holes for book binding.