- causing inconvenience; "they arrived at an awkward time"
- lacking grace or skill in manner or movement or performance; "an awkward dancer"; "an awkward gesture"; "too awkward with a needle to make her own clothes"; "his clumsy fingers produced an awkward knot"
- difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape; "an awkward bundle to carry"; "a load of bunglesome paraphernalia"; "clumsy wooden shoes"; "the cello, a rather ungainly instrument for a girl"
- not elegant or graceful in expression; "an awkward prose style"; "a clumsy apology"; "his cumbersome writing style"; "if the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?"
- hard to deal with; especially causing pain or embarrassment; "awkward (or embarrassing or difficult) moments in the discussion"; "an awkward pause followed his remark"; "a sticky question"; "in the unenviable position of resorting to an act he had planned to save for the climax of the campaign"
- socially uncomfortable; unsure and constrained in manner; "awkward and reserved at parties"; "ill at ease among eddies of people he didn't know"; "was always uneasy with strangers"
- (awkwardness) unskillfulness resulting from a lack of training
- (awkwardness) the quality of an embarrassing situation; "he sensed the awkwardness of his proposal"
- (awkwardness) the carriage of someone whose movements and posture are ungainly or inelegant
- (awkwardness) the inelegance of someone stiff and unrelaxed (as by embarrassment)
- (awkwardness) trouble in carrying or managing caused by bulk or shape; "the movers cursed the unwieldiness of the big piano"
- Awkwardness is an unpleasant feeling, which can often arise in tense atmospheres where one doesn't really know how to act. Awkward situations can possibly later cause a form of anxiety. ...
- Lacking dexterity in the use of the hands, or of instruments; Not easily managed or effected; embarrassing; Lacking social skills, or uncomfortable with social interaction; Perverse; adverse; difficult to handle; In a backwards direction
- Describes a wine that has poor structure, is clumsy or is out of balance.
- When Bekah’s characters are always minors, but she seems to consistently be around for the rum and/or sexcupcakes.
- A wine whose flavors are out of balance.
- (P) - They lose their head at times, lowering their firing accuracy.
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