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aw 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Used to express mild protest, entreaty, commiseration, or disapproval,
  1. Used to express mild protest, entreaty, commiseration, or disapproval
    • - aw, Dad, that's not fair

  1. (awing) amazing: inspiring awe or admiration or wonder; "New York is an amazing city"; "the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring sight"; "the awesome complexity of the universe"; "this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath"- Melville; "Westminster Hall's awing ...
  2. .aw is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Aruba. It is administered by SETAR.
  3. This is a list of digraphs used in various Latin alphabets. (See also List of Cyrillic digraphs.) Capitalization involves only the first letter (ch – Ch) unless otherwise stated (ij – IJ).
  4. Used to express disappointment/dismay; Used to express mild protest, entreaty, consternation, or disapproval; Used to express affection
  5. (A-Wing) Rebel Fighter shaped like an "A". Used in the battle of Endor. Fast and manueverable.???
  6. (AWS) Automatic Weather Station.
  7. (AWS) American Welding Society
  8. (AWS) Automatic warning system
  9. (AWS (advanced wireless service)) A term the FCC uses to refer to an array of innovative wireless services, including wireless broadband Internet access. The FCC is currently writing service rules for the newly identified AWS bands.
  10. (AWS) Adaptive Woofer System, trademark of ACI. An active woofer system with built in user adjustable equalization capabilities.
  11. (AWS) Advanced Window Systems
  12. (AWS) Air Weather Service.
  13. (AWS) Automated Weather Station measures environmental factors such as air temperature, relative humidity, rain, wind, ground temperature, solar radiation and air pressure
  14. (AWS) Avon Wiltshire & Somerset
  15. (AWS) abbreviation of 'acoustic well sounding'
  16. (AWS) abbreviation:  Air Warning Squadron (USMC)
  17. (AWS) alternate water supply/water supply treatment
  18. RE:, abbrev. for Antwort (answer, reply, regarding) in e-mail
  19. The link or nodal-state parameter set by an administrator to indicate preference.
  20. The two-character ISO 3166 country code for ARUBA.
  21. as in "caught" [KAWT] or "Austin" [AW-stunn]. ay as in "tail" [TAYL] or "Weber" [VAY-bur].
  22. means water activity which is a measure of the free moisture in a food, is the quotient of the water vapor pressure of the substance divided by the vapor pressure of pure water at the same temperature, and is indicated by the symbol aw.
  23. a magazine or belt-fed Automatic Weapon; more properly known as an "automatic loading weapon" or "autoloader", which firearms have a selector switch for "semi-automatic" (one shot for each trigger pull) and "fully-automatic" (multiple shots for each trigger pull).
  24. Acronym for either Active Worlds or Alphaworld.
  25. (rhymes with "paw") A vowel coloration caused by a frequency-response peak centered around 450Hz. An "aw" coloration tends to emphasize and glamorize the sound of large brass instruments (trombone, tuba).