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avoidance 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. deliberately avoiding; keeping away from or preventing from happening
  2. Avoidance is a controversial method of dealing with conflict which attempts to avoid directly confronting the issue at hand. Methods of doing this can include changing the subject, putting off a discussion until later, or simply not bringing up the subject of contention. ...
  3. Avoidance is a 2002 novel by Michael Lowenthal. It was nominated for a Lambda Literary Award in 2003.
  4. The act of annulling; annulment; The act of becoming vacant, or the state of being vacant; – specifically used for the state of a benefice becoming void by the death, deprivation, or resignation of the incumbent; A dismissing or a quitting; removal; withdrawal; The act of avoiding or shunning; ...
  5. The right of an underwriter, in the event of a breach of good faith or delay in commencement of an insured voyage to step aside from the insurance contract and to treat it as though they had never accepted the risk.
  6. The Bankruptcy Code permits the debtor to eliminate (avoid) some kinds of liens that interfere with (or impair) an exemption claimed in the bankruptcy. ...
  7. The first step in the waste hierarchy and indicates practices whereby waste generation is circumvented and eliminated (avoided)
  8. Avoiding a problem by walking away, ignoring what is happening, refusing to participate in a conflict situation.
  9. Principle of plant disease control marked by deliberate actions to take advantage of environmental factors and time unfavorable for disease development. (20)
  10. Ducking or moving laterally to prevent a hit.
  11. Organisms can be expected to attempt to escape aversive stimuli. Via aversive conditioning, animals can learn to anticipate aversive stimulation. By this we mean that stimuli that come before it come to also elicit aversive experiences and evoke escape behaviors. ...
  12. The act of staying away from people, places and thoughts that may cause anxiety, pain or unpleasant feelings. Some types of cancer-related avoidance include refusing to accept a cancer diagnosis or get treatment, and using alcohol or other drugs to forget about having cancer.
  13. For the food addict, avoidance becomes a way of life. Sex and intimacy become a thing of the past; mirrors and photos are dreaded. Food addicts hide behind certain colors and clothes. ...
  14. A method for reducing allergy symptoms by reducing the contact with the allergen.
  15. A symptom of a disorder manifested by avoiding the establishment of new interpersonal contacts to the extent that social functioning is impaired.
  16. Withdrawal from or suppression of conflict.
  17. a techniques used by the Declarer to keep one particular opponent from gaining the lead.
  18. refers to the strategy, often employed by language learners, that allows one to avoid using diffult words, phrases, or structures. This can be accomplished through techniques such as simplification, substituion, or paraphrasing.
  19. Elimination of certain types of liens which interfere with an exemption claimed in bankruptcy. Certain liens tied to a debtor’s home can be avoided if the amount of the liens is greater than the value of the property, sometimes called “lien stripping”
  20. When one party avoids the other a man avoids his wife’s mother in some societies.
  21. The phobic response to stay away from panic-producing situations, event though you would do these things if you did not have anxiety.
  22. Individual and/or unit measures taken to avoid or minimize nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) attacks and reduce the effects of NBC hazards. (JP 1-02)
  23. not speaking in, or even entering certain situations, because of a fear of stuttering.
  24. Choosing not to enter into conflict or acknowledge that a conflict exists.