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avocet 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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avocets, plural;
  1. A long-legged wading bird with a slender upturned bill and strikingly patterned plumage

  1. long-legged web-footed black-and-white shorebird with slender upward-curving bill
  2. The four species of Avocets are waders in the same avian family as the stilts. They are typically found in warm climates.
  3. Avocet is the twelfth album by Scottish folk musician Bert Jansch, released in 1979 in UK. The album was first released by Ex Libris in Denmark in late 1978 with alternate album cover and one alternate track title, although no difference in recorded content. ...
  4. Any of four species of wading birds in the genus Recurvirostra, of the family Recurvirostridae, with long, slender recurved bills, long legs, and webbed feet