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avocation 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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avocations, plural;
  1. A hobby or minor occupation

  1. an auxiliary activity
  2. An avocation is an activity that one engages in as a hobby outside one's main occupation. There are many examples of people whose professions were the ways that they made their livings but for whom their activities outside of their workplaces were their true passions in life.
  3. A calling away; a diversion; A hobby or recreational or leisure pursuit; That which calls one away from one's regular employment or vocation; Pursuits; duties; affairs which occupy one's time; usual employment; vocation
  4. (avocate) To call off or away; to withdraw; to transfer to another tribunal
  5. This refers to either an occupation or an activity the insured participates in.
  6. (noun) hobby [The prefix "a-" means "not" or "without." "Avocation" means "not vocation."]