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avionics 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
Noun (plural)
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avionics, plural;
  1. Electronics as applied to aviation

  2. Electronic equipment fitted in an aircraft

  1. science and technology of electronic systems and devices for aeronautics and astronautics; "avionics has become even more important with the development of the space program"
  2. Avionics is a combination of the words "aviation" and "electronics". It comprises electronic systems for use on aircraft, artificial satellites and spacecraft, comprising communications, navigation and guidance, display systems, flight management systems, sensors and indicators, weather radars, ...
  3. a general term for the development and production of electrical equipment for use in aircraft, spacecraft, and missiles
  4. Modern passenger aircraft are highly automated and are often referred to as being “computerised”, and as having “glass cockpits” (as opposed to the “old-fashioned needles on dials” type of instrument). ...
  5. The computers and other electronic systems that monitor and control an aircraft's electrical and mechanical systems.
  6. The electronic control systems airplanes use for flight such as communications, autopilots, and navigation.
  7. The electronic equipment (e.g., radio, navigation) on an aircraft.
  8. The radios and navigation instruments.
  9. Vehicle and Engine Multifunction Display (VEMD) with First Limit Indicator (FLI) fitted as standard.
  10. N050(?)BRLS AFAR/AESA built by Tikhomirov NIIP and based on Tikhomirov NIIP N035 Irbis-E. It will be the second aircraft based AESA Radar to be built by Russia, the first being the Phazotron NIIR ZHUK-A Radar in the MiG-35.^[80]
  11. Collins 5 screen EFIS, dual autopilots