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averse 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Having a strong dislike of or opposition to something,
  1. Having a strong dislike of or opposition to something
    • - as a former CIA director, he is not averse to secrecy
    • - the bank's approach has been risk-averse

  1. antipathetic: (usually followed by `to') strongly opposed; "antipathetic to new ideas"; "averse to taking risks"; "loath to go on such short notice"; "clearly indisposed to grant their request"
  2. (aversion) antipathy: a feeling of intense dislike
  3. (aversion) the act of turning yourself (or your gaze) away; "averting her gaze meant that she was angry"
  4. Aversion is a horror film about a private investigator who discovers too late that the woman he is hired to follow is often possessed by a demon. Alex Stokes (Andrew Roth) is a self-destructive, down-on-his-luck investigator who takes cases wherever he can. ...
  5. (Aversion (astrology)) When two or more planets or points form a semi-sextile (30-degree) or a quincunx (150-degree) aspect, they are considered to be "in aversion" to each other. ...
  6. To turn away; Having a repugnance or opposition of mind; Turned away or backward; Lying on the opposite side (to or from)
  7. (aversely) Backward; in a backward direction; as, emitted aversely; With repugnance or aversion; unwillingly
  8. (averseness) The quality of being averse; opposition of mind; unwillingness
  9. (aversion) Opposition or repugnance of mind; fixed dislike; An object of dislike or repugnance; The act of turning away from an object
  10. (aversion) (from existence), contemplation of: s. vipassanā (VI . 5)
  11. (aversion) A term used to indicate a lack of acknowledgement between zodiac signs based on aspects (of 30 and 150 degrees to be precise). Some Hellenistic astrologers thought aversion to be cancelled by like-engirding, equal power, or commanding and obeying relationships. ...
  12. (AVERSION) An element has aversion for its ´´pre-creator´´ or ´´grandfather´´, that is, due to this element it is controlled or destroyed. The wood is afraid of metal, the metal escapes the fire, the fire is dominated by water and the water is controlled by the earth.
  13. (Aversion) Avoidance of a particular area or object, for example a litter box aversion
  14. (Aversion) Relating to hearing or sound. One of the three major representational systems of encoding information, alongside visual and kinesthetic.
  15. (aversion) (Sanskrit: dveṣa; Wylie: zhe sdang) to the decay of 'impermanence' (Sanskrit: anitya).^[1]
  16. (aversion) negative reactions of any sort: anger and ill will, but also boredom (which is a negative reaction to what is happening in the moment).
  17. means "repulsed or repelled": She was immediately averse to the idea.