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avatars, plural;
  1. A manifestation of a deity or released soul in bodily form on earth; an incarnate divine teacher

  2. An incarnation, embodiment, or manifestation of a person or idea
    • - he chose John Stuart Mill as the avatar of the liberal view
  3. A movable icon representing a person in cyberspace or virtual reality graphics

  1. embodiment: a new personification of a familiar idea; "the embodiment of hope"; "the incarnation of evil"; "the very avatar of cunning"
  2. the manifestation of a Hindu deity (especially Vishnu) in human or superhuman or animal form; "the Buddha is considered an avatar of the god Vishnu"
  3. In Hinduism, Avatar or '''''''''' (Devanagari , Sanskrit for "descent" [viz., from heaven to earth]) refers to a deliberate descent of a deity (an incarnation of a deva (god) from heaven to earth, or a descent of the Supreme Being (i.e. ...
  4. Avatar , also known as Matrix Hunter (Japan DVD title & USA video title), Avatar Exile (working title), Cyber Wars (USA DVD title) is a Singaporean science fiction film directed by Kuo Jian Hong. The film was shot in 2001 and released in 2004.
  5. Avatar is a 2009 American epic science fiction film written and directed by James Cameron and starring Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez, Sigourney Weaver, and Joel David Moore. ...
  6. The Last Airbender is a 2010 American adventure fantasy film released on July 1, 2010. It is a live-action film adaptation based on of the animated television series ''''. The film stars Noah Ringer as Aang, a reluctant hero who prefers adventure over his job as the . ...
  7. Avatar is an album by the Dutch futurepop band Angels and Agony. It was released in 2004.
  8. The Avatars are fictional characters in the WB television series Charmed.
  9. In Hinduism the incarnation of a deity, particularly Vishnu; The physical embodiment of an idea or concept; a personification; A digital representation or handle of a person or being; often, it can take on any of various forms, as a participant chooses. i.e. 3D, animated, photo, sketch
  10. (Avatars) are graphical images representing people. They are what you are in virtual worlds. You can build a visual character with the body, clothes, behaviours, gender and name of your choice. This may or may not be an authentic representation of yourself.
  11. (AVATARS) In Hinduism any living incarnation of God in sentient (usually) human form is called an avatar. Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, etc, were all, by Hindu teachings avatars. ...
  12. (AVATARS) Masters and Constructors of the Open Cosmos; Personal And Full Incarnations of The Creator of Universes in entrusted to them allotted work.
  13. (Avatars) Literally meaning manifestations of God. They are said to intervene in history to fight against evil and maintain that the universe functions in accordance to Dharma. Examples of Avatars could include Krishna and Jesus among many others. Traditionally, there are ten avatars of Vishnu.
  14. (avatars) The avatar is the graphical representation of you in Second Life, your appearance, looks, etc. Here is mine:
  15. An avatar is a small image which displays under the members usernames and which allows them to show their humor or represent them.
  16. a representation of a computer users self, it comes in the form of an image that is selected by the user to represent him or her in a game, on a website or similar environment.
  17. A term from computer gaming for an image or figure used to represent a person.
  18. An icon that represents you on message boards, chat rooms, IM programs, 3-D chat rooms and virtual worlds. Your avatar can be whatever you want it to be. There are graphic elements, animals, cartoons and pictures used as avatars on the Internet.
  19. These 2- or 3-D customized computer representations of people are also referred to as "icons" or "buddy icons" when used on Instant Messenger. Second Life is an online virtual community of avatars.
  20. An avatar is a person who is fully god realized at birth and therefore needs no spiritual training. In Hinduism it is the manifestation of a deity in human or animal form.
  21. The image uploaded to your Twitter profile. You will get a greater response with a picture of a person (namely you!) over a company logo or generic image.
  22. An in-game representation of the player.
  23. A graphical image or likeness that replaces a photo of the author of the content on a blog.
  24. This term refers to an interactive representation of a human in a virtual reality environment; term was popularized by Neal Stephenson's novel "Snow Crash."
  25. an image representing a person. On Disqus, you can set a personal avatar for your account, as well as a default avatar on your forum for commenters without personal avatars.