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autumnal 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of, characteristic of, or occurring in autumn,
  1. Of, characteristic of, or occurring in autumn
    • - chilly autumnal weather

  1. of or characteristic of or occurring in autumn; "the autumnal equinox"; "autumnal fruits"
  2. characteristic of late maturity verging on decline; "a serene autumnal mood"
  3. Autumnal is the seventh full-length album by the Spanish power metal band Dark Moor. The recording of this album was announced as early as May 4, 2008, with constant updates posted on their website since then.
  4. Angel comic book refers to one of two series published by Dark Horse Comics during 2000–2002. Both of these series are based on the television series Angel, and were published while the television series was on air. The first volume was an ongoing series halted after seventeen issues. ...
  5. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Autumnal is a trade paperback collecting comic stories based on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series.
  6. Of or relating to autumn; Past the middle of life; in the third stage
  7. Various aromas and tastes in wine reminiscent of fallen leaves, humus, truffles, mushrooms or hay.
  8. tea produced late in the growing season
  9. Pertaining to the Autumn season. The Autumnal Equinox occurs on or about September 22 in the Northern Hemisphere and on or about March 21 in the Southern Hemisphere.
  10. tea harvested during the season of autumn
  11. Describes the liquor from teas grown in Autumn, in cool weather. The term is most often applied to teas from Northern India.
  12. A description used primarily for Darjeeling teas harvested just before winter.
  13. Teas harvested in autumn. The term is typically associated with teas from India and Formosa.
  14. The Darjeeling Autumnal begins after the second flush period (October/November) and has a more full-bodied taste than the second flush. The yields are not as high as during the peak times, however.