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autosomes 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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autosomes, plural;
  1. Any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome

  1. (autosomal) of or relating to an autosome; "autosomal gene"
  2. (autosome) any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome; appear in pairs in body cells but as single chromosomes in spermatozoa
  3. (Autosomal) The gene for the disorder is not on a sex chromosone (X or Y), indicating that the abnormal gene can affect males or females equally.
  4. (Autosome) chromosome which is not associated to the sex of the individual; it is consequently present in the form of pair ( diploïde ) to both sexes.
  5. The chromosomes responsible for non-sex traits
  6. are chromosomes that carry genes not related to sex determination; sex chromosomes carry genes related to the determinance of sexual characteristics.
  7. Chromosome pairs which are alike in both sexes.