- immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political independence
- personal independence
- (autonomic) relating to or controlled by the autonomic nervous system; "autonomic reflexes"
- (autonomous) (of political bodies) not controlled by outside forces; "an autonomous judiciary"; "a sovereign state"
- (autonomous) existing as an independent entity; "the partitioning of India created two separate and autonomous jute economies"
- (autonomous) (of persons) free from external control and constraint in e.g. action and judgment
- Autonomy (Ancient Greek: αὐτονομία autonomia from αὐτόνομος autonomos from αὐτο- auto- "self" + νόμος nomos, "law" "one who gives oneself their own law") is a concept found in moral, political, and bioethical philosophy. ...
- Autonomy is a BBC Books original novel written by Daniel Blythe and based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Tenth Doctor without an official companion. ...
- Autocephaly, in hierarchical Christian churches and especially Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox churches, is the status of a hierarchical church whose head bishop does not report to any higher-ranking bishop. ...
- Autonomy Corporation PLC is an enterprise software company with joint head quarters in Cambridge, United Kingdom, and San Francisco, USA. The company uses a combination of technologies born out of research at the University of Cambridge. ...
- The Autonomists (Autonomistes) was a Christian-democratic Italian political party active in Aosta Valley.
- Self-government; freedom to act or function independently; The capacity to make an informed, uncoerced decision; The capacity of a system to make a decision about its actions without the involvement of another system or operator
- (autonomous) Self-governing. Governing independently; Acting on one's own or independently; of a child, acting without being governed by parental or guardian rules; Used with no subject, indicating an unknown or unspecified agent; used in similar situations as the passive in English (the ...
- Autonomic means self-controlling; functionally independent; automatic. The autonomic nervous system consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and regulates automatic processes such as digestion, circulation, and respiration. ...
- (Autonomic (nervous system)) the part of the nervous system that is concerned with the control of involuntary bodily functions.
- The autonomic nervous system controls most of the involuntary reflexive activities of the human body. The system is constantly working to regulate the glands and many of the muscles of the body through the release or uptake of the neurotransmitters acetylcholine and norepinephrine. ...
- (Autonomic) (affects nerves that help regulate digestive, bowel, bladder, heart, and sexual function)
- (Autonomic) Oily skin and seborrheic dermatitis[10] Urinary incontinence, typically in later disease progression Nocturia (getting up in the night to pass urine)—up to 60% of cases Constipation and gastric dysmotility that is severe enough to endanger comfort and even health Altered sexual ...
- (Autonomic) The ´unconscious´ nervous system which is separate from, but linked to that of the spinal cord. It controls the bladder and bowels, blood circulation and sweating.
- (Autonomic) dry mouth, hyperhidrosis, visual disturbance
- (Autonomic) non-conscious muscle control
- (autonomic) Refers to functions over which we have no control, such as respiration, digestion, and circulation.
- (autonomic) Self controlling, functionally independent.
- (autonomic) adjective, Greek auto = self, and nomos = law, hence self-regulating.
- (autonomous) Operating without pre-programmed behaviors and without supervision from humans.