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autonomic 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Involuntary or unconscious; relating to the autonomic nervous system,
  1. Involuntary or unconscious; relating to the autonomic nervous system

  1. relating to or controlled by the autonomic nervous system; "autonomic reflexes"
  2. (Autonomia) Autonomism refers to a set of left-wing political and social movements and theories close to the socialist movement. As an identifiable theoretical system it first emerged in Italy in the 1960s from workerist (operaismo) communism. ...
  3. The Autonomists (Autonomistes) was a Christian-democratic Italian political party active in Aosta Valley.
  4. (Autonomics) Study of self-regulating systems for process control, optimizing performance.
  5. adjective, Greek auto = self, and nomos = law, hence self-regulating.
  6. Refers to functions over which we have no control, such as respiration, digestion, and circulation.
  7. The ´unconscious´ nervous system which is separate from, but linked to that of the spinal cord. It controls the bladder and bowels, blood circulation and sweating.
  8. part of the nervous system that controls automatic body functions, the things we do without thinking eg heart rate, blood pressure, bladder and sexual responses.
  9. dry mouth, hyperhidrosis, visual disturbance
  10. the part of the nervous system that is concerned with the control of involuntary bodily functions.
  11. Self controlling, functionally independent.
  12. Refers to peripheral nerves that carry signals from the brain and control such involuntary actions in the body as the beating of the heart.
  13. Refers to biological processes which are controlled by the nervous system in the absence of voluntary control or consciousness.
  14. (affects nerves that help regulate digestive, bowel, bladder, heart, and sexual function)
  15. Autonomic means self-controlling; functionally independent; automatic. The autonomic nervous system consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and regulates automatic processes such as digestion, circulation, and respiration. ...
  16. Part of the peripheral nervous system that acts as a control, maintaining homoeostatis
  17. Oily skin and seborrheic dermatitis[10] Urinary incontinence, typically in later disease progression Nocturia (getting up in the night to pass urine)—up to 60% of cases Constipation and gastric dysmotility that is severe enough to endanger comfort and even health Altered sexual function: ...
  18. non-conscious muscle control