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automotive 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of, relating to, or concerned with motor vehicles,
  1. Of, relating to, or concerned with motor vehicles

  1. of or relating to motor vehicles; "automotive supplies"
  2. containing within itself the means of propulsion or movement; "a self-propelled vehicle"
  3. The automotive industry designs, develops, manufactures, markets, and sells the world's motor vehicles. The automotive industry is one of the most important economic sectors by revenue.
  4. (Automotives) A vehicle (vehiculum) is a device that is designed or used to transport people or cargo. Most often vehicles are manufactured (e.g. bicycles, cars, motorcycles, trains, ships, boats, and aircraft).Halsey, William D. ...
  5. Materials and Manufacturing, Centre For. (CAMM)CAMM is Ontario's multi-university and industy partnership dedicated to providing new knowledge and skills to enhance the competitiveness of the automotive sector through advanced research and development. ...
  6. Artwork depicting motor vehicles, either images of an automobile or concept art.
  7. shipments were up almost 10% with a 7% increase in ASP, in spite of lower 2007 automobile unit production.  We believe that this indicates more higher-end multimedia revenue is going into dashboards and increasing use of DSPs going into powertrain and safety-related applications.
  8. means that the bus is not continuously dependent on external power or guidance for normal operation.  Intermittent use of external power or guidance shall not automatically relieve a bus of its automotive character or requirement for bus testing.
  9. Interior fabrics, sun visors, arm rests, door and side panels, trunks, parcel shelfs, resin replacement as binder fibers,
  10. Relating to or occurring in automobiles.
  11. Automotive is one of GfK‘s segments, which is involved in automotive market research.
  12. eye-dialing, navigation arrows on roadways
  13. Same as  license plate