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automated 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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automated, past participle; automates, 3rd person singular present; automating, present participle; automated, past tense;
  1. Convert (a process or facility) to largely automatic operation
    • - industry is investing in automating production
    • - a fully automated process

  1. operated by automation; "an automated stoker"
  2. (automation) the act of implementing the control of equipment with advanced technology; usually involving electronic hardware; "automation replaces human workers by machines"
  3. Automation is the use of control systems and information technologies reducing the need for human intervention.
  4. (Automate (album)) Automate is the second album of Forma Tadre, a German musical project. This album is quite different from Forma Tadre's previous album, Navigator as it has a much more ambient feel.
  5. (Automator (software)) Automator is an application developed by Apple for Mac OS X that implements point-and-click (or drag-and-drop) creation of workflows for automating repetitive tasks into batches for quicker alteration, thus saving time and effort over human intervention to manually change ...
  6. Made automatic; Done by machine
  7. (automate) To replace or enhance human labor with machines
  8. (automation) The act or process of converting the controlling of a machine or device to a more automatic system, such as computer or electronic controls
  9. (Automate) When your best friend is a robot
  10. (automate) UK driving buddy - e.g., The Brit, the Afrikaaner, and the Aussie made great automates whilst motoring.
  11. (Automating) Using information systems to do an activity faster or cheaper.
  12. (Automation) Equipment system designed to play prepackaged programming.
  13. (Automation) The use of machines working independently of human intervention and control.
  14. (Automation) Changing from manual, paperbased methods of recording, organizing, and retrieving information to computerized systems. Circulation control and cataloging are among the most widely automated library functions.
  15. (AUTOMATION) Methods of production that rely on mechanical or electronic technologies as a replacement for human labour. See: DESKILLING / FORDISM / .
  16. (Automation) 1. A Central Kansas Library System department run headed by Steve Thomas providing advice and help purchasing and maintaining computer hardware and software of member libraries. Homepage. 2. ...
  17. (Automation) A method under which manufacturing processes can operate given technology is available. This may be mechanical, electrical, or electronic. Whichever one it is, automation is the act of performing a task without human assistance.
  18. (Automation) A self-driven computing of chance from which human initiative has been excluded, and an interruption of this process in informative situations intended by humans.
  19. (Automation) A series of individual computer-controlled or robotic machine tools with electro-mechanical link operations replacing transfer by hand. Automation displaces human labor and skill to maintenance, planning, distribution and ancillary work.
  20. (Automation) A system that memorizes, then plays back the position of all faders and mutes on a console.
  21. (Automation) A test is performed and a result generated in response to a build of the Software Under Test, with no human intervention. Setting up a test environment, starting the automation tool—or even simply clicking OK to a single dialog—makes it Manual Testing. Synonym: Test Automation
  22. (Automation) A watch with animated figures, placed on the dial or case, actuated by the going, striking, musical or repeating train.
  23. (Automation) An OLE feature that allows you to invoke the features of one program from another program. The invocation can happen behind the scenes, without user involvement. ...
  24. (Automation) Automatic working figures moving in conjunction with the movement mechanism.  Striking Jacquemarts or jacks which are figures (may be humans provided with hammers) striking bells to supply the sound for the hour and quarter hours.  The hammers take the place of the bells clapper. ...
  25. (Automation) Employing machines to do the work of people. The steam engine and the automation that it enabled was the backbone of the Industrial Revolution.