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autobahn 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A German, Austrian, or Swiss expressway,
  1. A German, Austrian, or Swiss expressway

  1. an expressway in a German-speaking country
  2. Autobahn (plural Autobahnen) is the German word for a dual carriageway limited access highway with grade separated junctions. For highways in Austria, Germany and Switzerland the word Autobahn is used.
  3. Autobahn is the fourth studio album by German electronic band Kraftwerk, released in November 1974. The 22-minute title track "Autobahn" was edited to about 3 minutes for single release and reached number 25 on the US Billboard 200 chart, and performed even higher around Europe, including number ...
  4. The Autobahn is the national freeway system of Austria.
  5. The German Autobahnen are the nationally coordinated motorway system in Germany. In German, they are officially called Bundesautobahn (plural Bundesautobahnen, abbreviated BAB), which translates as federal motorway. ...
  6. "Autobahn" is a song composed in 1974 by Ralf Hütter and Florian Schneider of the German electronic band Kraftwerk, with Emil Schult collaborating on the lyrics. It is co-produced by Conny Plank, and was the band's first track to use sung lyrics. ...
  7. Autobahnen in German, Autoroutes in French or Autostrade in Italian are the names of the national freeways of Switzerland. Two of the most important freeways are the A1, running from St. Margrethen in northeastern Switzerland's canton of St. ...
  8. The high-speed intercity highways of Germany
  9. (autobahns) (in  roads and highways (transportation): The freeway)
  10. Highways of Deutschland. Adolf is known to put people in Volkswagen, "take them on Autobahn, und shoot them!" Hans argued that it would be much cheaper to simply shoot ze enemies rather than waste und volkswagen, but Adolf disagreed. As punishment, Hans had to live with Lebanpfoffen for ze week.
  11. Autopista · Autoroute · Autostrada · Autostrasse · Auto-estrada · Expressway · Freeway · Motorway · HQDC · Carriageway
  12. Noun. In Germany, a road with double traffic lanes in each direction separated by a strip of turf and with no restriction upon speed.^3
  13. A network of high-speed superhighways in Germany and other European countries.
  14. German for motorway.