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authoritative 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Able to be trusted as being accurate or true; reliable,
  1. Able to be trusted as being accurate or true; reliable
    • - clear, authoritative information and advice
    • - an authoritative source
  2. (of a text) Considered to be the best of its kind and unlikely to be improved upon
    • - the authoritative study of mollusks
  3. Commanding and self-confident; likely to be respected and obeyed
    • - she had an authoritative air
    • - his voice was calm and authoritative
  4. Proceeding from an official source and requiring compliance or obedience
    • - authoritative directives

  1. having authority or ascendancy or influence; "an important official"; "the captain's authoritative manner"
  2. of recognized authority or excellence; "the definitive work on Greece"; "classical methods of navigation"
  3. Authority, from the Latin word auctoritas, means invention, advice, opinion, influence, or command. Essentially authority is imposed by superiors upon inferiors either by force of arms (structural authority) or by force of argument (sapiential authority). ...
  4. Arising or originating from a figure of authority; Highly accurate or definitive; treated or worthy of treatment as a scholarly authority; Having a commanding style
  5. (authoritativeness) The quality of possessing authority; The quality of trustworthiness and reliability
  6. (Authoritativeness) relates to the correctness of the Bible in questions of practice and morality.
  7. In the Domain Name System (DNS), the use of zones by DNS servers to register and resolve a DNS domain name. When a DNS server is configured to host a zone, it is authoritative for names within that zone. DNS servers are granted authority based on information stored in the zone.
  8. A piece of information can be said to be authoritative if you can trust the originator of an idea. Students may question if the author of a piece of information is from a reputable organisation or is an individual whose work can be trusted.
  9. All information in the resource has been verified by authorities as indicated.
  10. Written or published by a person or organization with expertise in the subject area.
  11. To be authoritative, the documentation for most psychiatric disabilities must be provided by a psychiatrist or registered psychologist.  For certain conditions, such as Asperger’s Disorder or Autistic Disorder, authoritative documentation may also be provided by a neurologist. ...
  12. Parental, forceful, strong, domineering, direct.
  13. An authoritative source is supported by documentary evidence and accepted by most experts.
  14. The definitions are derived from ancient and contemporary sources, including current statutes, regulations, cases, and treatises, as well as ancient and medieval sources. ...
  15. Adjective describing a name server or a response from a name server that is referencing its own native data. The authoritative server contains an entire copy of the zone that is derived from local configuration data, possibly with the help of another authoritative name server for the zone. ...
  16. Parenting style focused on setting reasonable rules and expectations while encouraging communication and independence.
  17. The more authoritative a resource is, the more you can trust that the information is likely to be accurate. Things that make a source more authoritative include: listing of the author's name; author's credentials; listing of the sources the author used; and peer review. ...
  18. A DNS server is authoritative for a portion of the DNS namespace if it hosts a primary or secondary zone for that portion of the DNS namespace.
  19. this parenting style is characterized by moderate demandingness with moderate responsiveness. The authoritative parent is firm but not rigid, willing to make an exception when the situation warrants. The authoritative parent is responsive to the child's needs but not indulgent. ...
  20. DNS data that is served by the resident DNS server. The server can be either primary or secondary. This is the DNS data that belongs to a resident domain and is managed by the administrator of that domain, or it is the DNS data that is imported through a zone transfer.
  21. Baumrind's terms for parenting style blending respect for a child's individuality with an effort to instill social values.