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authenticates 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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authenticated, past participle; authenticated, past tense; authenticates, 3rd person singular present; authenticating, present participle;
  1. Prove or show (something, esp. a claim or an artistic work) to be true or genuine
    • - they were invited to authenticate artifacts from the Italian Renaissance
  2. Validate
    • - the nationalist statements authenticated their leadership among the local community
  3. (of a user or process) Have one's identity verified

  1. (authenticate) establish the authenticity of something
  2. (authenticated) attested: established as genuine
  3. (authenticate) To "sign; or with the intent to sign a record, otherwise to execute or adopt an electronic symbol, sound, message, or process referring to, attached to, included in, or logically associated or linked with, that record."  UCITA 102(a)(6).
  4. (Authenticate) To establish the validity of a claimed user or object.
  5. (Authenticate) To confirm the identity of an entity when that identity is presented.
  6. (Authenticate (signatures)) To authenticate (prove valid) a signature that has already been signed, a notary compares the document signer's signature on the document to the signature the signer leaves in the notary journal and the signature on the signer's identification.
  7. (AUTHENTICATE) To denote authorship of an entry made in a patient's medical or dental record by means of a written signature, identifiable initials, a computer key, or a personally used rubber stamp; also refers to the process of certifying copies as genuine.
  8. (Authenticate()) To request or provide a response for a coded challenge.
  9. (Authenticate) Certify bibliographic information in a serial master (OCLC) record under the CONSER program by adding the CONSER symbol to the record.
  10. (Authenticate) Identify yourself at a TermSecure enabled device using an RFID proximity card (short or long range), a USB flash key, or login manually. Combine authentication methods and greatly increase security.
  11. (Authenticate) To become recognized as a valid AFS user by getting an AFS token using your kerberos TGT. Authenticate by logging onto a machine that uses an AFS enabled login utility or by issuing the aklog command after using kinit to obtain a kerberos TGT. ...
  12. (Authenticate) To verify (guarantee) the identity of a person or entity. To ensure that the individual or organization is really who it says it is.
  13. (Authenticate) To verify the sender or source of an email, whether sent by computer or a person.
  14. (Authenticate) Verify a user is who they claim to be by requiring them to provide proof of their identity. There are many techniques that can be used to authenticate an email user, such as a local system username and password, LDAP, and IMAP and POP passwords.
  15. (Authenticate) process by which a system verifies the identity of a user. The user may be a person using a computer, a computer itself, or a computer program.
  16. (authenticate) (JP 1-02) - A challenge given by voice or electrical means to attest to the authenticity of a message or transmission.
  17. (authenticate) To provide your user name and password, as requested before you can change an important setting, install software, etc
  18. (authenticate) To verify an identity prior to granting access or asserting trust
  19. (authenticate) prove a document is not a forgery.
  20. (Authenticated) Information that has been verified through a scientific review process by an individual or organization. Authenticated information appears in EOL on a white background.  Information that has not been authenticated appears on the EOL species page with a yellow background.
  21. (Authenticated) Officially validated (of document).
  22. An authenticated user is a visitor to your site who has logged in. Every user who has logged in is assigned the 'Authenticated' user role, at a minimum. ...
  23. Authenticated users are UM-enabled and can access their mailbox by using Outlook Voice Access. Authenticated users consume Unified Messaging server resources in several ways, including by directly calling in to a subscriber access number, logging on to their mailboxes, accessing their messages, ...