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authentic 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of undisputed origin; genuine,
  1. Of undisputed origin; genuine
    • - the letter is now accepted as an authentic document
    • - authentic 14th-century furniture
  2. Made or done in the traditional or original way, or in a way that faithfully resembles an original
    • - the restaurant serves authentic Italian meals
    • - every detail of the movie was totally authentic
  3. Based on facts; accurate or reliable
    • - an authentic depiction of the situation
  4. (in existentialist philosophy) Relating to or denoting an emotionally appropriate, significant, purposive, and responsible mode of human life

  5. (of a church mode) Comprising the notes lying between the principal note or final and the note an octave higher

  1. conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief; "an authentic account by an eyewitness"; "reliable information"
  2. not counterfeit or copied; "an authentic signature"; "a bona fide manuscript"; "an unquestionable antique"; "photographs taken in a veritable bull ring"
  3. (authentically) genuinely; with authority; "it is authentically British"
  4. (authenticity) undisputed credibility
  5. Authentic is an album released by Chris Tomlin in 1998.
  6. Authentic, nicknamed "Bud", foaled 1995, is a Dutch Warmblood gelding that competes in show jumping. He has won three Olympic medals and two World Equestrian Games medals. He is owned by Abigail Wexner and Iron Spring Farm, and is ridden by Olympic medalist Beezie Madden. ...
  7. Authentic is the fourth album from Joey Pearson.
  8. (Authenticity (philosophy)) Authenticity is a technical term in existentialist philosophy, and is also used in the philosophy of art and psychology. ...
  9. (Authenticity (reenactment)) In historical reenactment, authenticity (sometimes referred to as the A-factor or simply A) is a measure of how close an item, prop, action, weapon, or custom is, to what would actually have been used or done in the time period being depicted.
  10. (authenticity) The quality of being genuine or not corrupted from the original; Truthfulness of origins, attributions, commitments, sincerity, and intentions; The quality of being authentic (of established authority)
  11. (authentics) A collection of the Novels or New Constitutions of Justinian, by an anonymous author; -- so called on account of its authenticity
  12. (Authenticity) is the sense that something or someone is “real”. Blogs enable people to publish content, and engage in conversations, that show their interests and values, and so help them develop an authentic voice online.
  13. (Authenticity) The quality or condition of being trustworthy or genuine
  14. (authenticity) An official state ideology of the Mobutu regime that emerged in the late 1960s and 1970s. Emphasizing the value of authentic Zairian culture, authenticity was a reaction against the lingering vestiges of colonialism and the continuing influence of Western culture. ...
  15. (AUTHENTICITY) All autographed memorabilia, game worn jerseys, game used hockey sticks, and game used equipment we sell are, to the best of our knowledge, authentic and game worn by the player stated in our Letters of Authenticity. ...
  16. (5. “Authenticity”) I’m still a bit confused by what “be authentic” is supposed to mean. I understand in concept, it means that you should reflect your true colors to your community, but even that is still vague. ...
  17. (AUTHENTICITY) The character trait or virtue of authenticity is that of being genuine, honest with oneself as well as others. Therefore "authenticity" connotes not only candor, but an absence of hypocrisy or self-deception.
  18. (Authenticity) A digital publication's identity, source, ownership, and/or other attributes are verified.
  19. (Authenticity) A positive quality of genuineness and originality attributed to objects, practices, or ideas, often in order to demonstrate the extent to which an initially authentic phenomenon has been compromised or drained of its value. ...
  20. (Authenticity) As a serious collector, I would not offer anything I would not be happy with for my own collection. I strive to offer complete original items.
  21. (Authenticity) Conforming to Your Own Uniqueness (YOU). This is the end goal of the Journeys and Healing
  22. (Authenticity) Describes the relative integrity of a place, an object or an activity in relation to its original creation. In the context of living cultural practices, the context of authenticity responds to the evolution of the traditional practice. ...
  23. (Authenticity) Fidelity to historical detail.
  24. (Authenticity) Fully accepting ourselves as both human and divine.  It is knowing that the best gift we can offer is to genuinely be real with ourselves and others in all of our relations.  Being authentic is about living our truth, which is how we become and stay empowered. ...
  25. (Authenticity) Michael Moesslang lives what he teaches