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austral 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of or relating to the south, in particular,
  1. Of or relating to the south, in particular

  2. Of the southern hemisphere
    • - the austral spring
  3. Of Australia or Australasia

  1. of the south or coming from the south; "sailed the austral seas"
  2. the basic unit of money in Argentina; equal to 100 centavos
  3. The Austral was a French automobile manufactured in Paris in 1907; the company offered "touring tricars" and motorized delivery tricycles.
  4. The austral was the currency of Argentina between June 15, 1985 and December 31, 1991. It was subdivided into 100 centavos. The symbol was an uppercase A with an extra horizontal line (see image). ...
  5. (australly) In an austral manner; of or to the south
  6. of the southern hemisphere
  7. Criticize sarcastically