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austerities 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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austerities, plural;
  1. Sternness or severity of manner or attitude
    • - he was noted for his austerity and his authoritarianism
  2. Extreme plainness and simplicity of style or appearance
    • - the room was decorated with a restraint bordering on austerity
  3. Conditions characterized by severity, sternness, or asceticism
    • - a simple life of prayer and personal austerity
  4. Difficult economic conditions created by government measures to reduce a budget deficit, esp. by reducing public expenditure
    • - a period of austerity
    • - austerity measures

  1. 1) Rigorous spiritual practices. 2) Abandonment of the pursuit of worldly pleasure for the purpose of spiritual attainment.
  2. Practices of strict self-discipline & self-denial.