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auspicious 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Conducive to success; favorable,
  1. Conducive to success; favorable
    • - it was not the most auspicious moment to hold an election
  2. Giving or being a sign of future success
    • - they said it was an auspicious moon—it was rising
  3. Characterized by success; prosperous
    • - he was respectful to his auspicious customers

  1. auguring favorable circumstances and good luck; "an auspicious beginning for the campaign"
  2. (auspiciously) in an auspicious manner; "he started his new job auspiciously on his birthday"
  3. (auspiciousness) the favorable quality of strongly indicating a successful result
  4. An auspice (Latin: auspicium from auspex, is literally "one who looks at birds", a diviner who reads omens from the observed flight of birds. ...
  5. Of good omen; indicating future success; Conducive to success; Marked by success; prosperous
  6. literally, "bird omens", as used by the ancient Romans to forecast the future. avis = 'bird" and specere = 'to see'
  7. marked by success - Marbury off to an auspicious beginning here tonight.
  8. A term frequently used in Feng Shui to describe favorable, desirable, or beneficial.
  9. Foreboding of impending doom concerning all but you
  10. pertaining to good fortune or luck
  11. Carrying a good omen TT .