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aurum 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. Aurum is the eight studio album by Polish gothic rock band Closterkeller. It was released on October 2, 2009 in Poland through Universal Music Polska . The album was recorded on June 23-September 10, 2009 at Izabelin Studio, Izabelin. ...
  2. Aurum is a sweet liqueur from Italy, made from rum, tea, and tangerines. Aurum's color (the word is Latin for gold) is due to saffron, which is grown in the Abruzzo region of Italy where the liqueur is historically produced.
  3. gold, used in the names of various substances (see Derived terms)
  4. A pale gold Italian liqueur, highly aromatic with a delicate orange flavour.
  5. Latin. Its abbreviation, Au, is used as the chemical symbol for gold.
  6. Aurum Health Research - an independent section 21 company that undertakes research into HIV/AIDS and TB
  7. a dry Italian liqueur made from oranges and herbs found in the Abruzzi mountains.
  8. (40%) Italian orange flavour liqueur. An infusion of citrus fruits, mainly orange, are distilled three times and blended with specially produced brandy which is left to mature.