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aurochs 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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aurochs, plural;
  1. A large wild Eurasian ox that was the ancestor of domestic cattle. It was probably exterminated in Britain in the Bronze Age, and the last one was killed in Poland in 1627

  1. wisent: European bison having a smaller and higher head than the North American bison
  2. large recently extinct long-horned European wild ox; considered one of the ancestors of domestic cattle
  3. The aurochs or urus (Bos primigenius), the ancestor of domestic cattle, was a type of huge wild cattle which inhabited Europe, Asia and North Africa, but is now extinct; it survived in Europe until 1627.
  4. (pronounced OR-rox) Aurochs was a large, wild ox that lived in Europe. This hoofed mammal (an artiodactyl) went extinct in 1627. It was black and had forward-curving horns; it stood about 6 feet (1.8 m) tall at the shoulder. The aurochs was the ancestor of domestic cattle. ...
  5. bos taurus primigenius a giant (skeletal remains show them as being fully 2 m tall at the shoulder) form of early cattle, no longer found in Britain after the Bronze Age but which continued to wander the forests and grasslands of Southern and Central Europe. ...